Friday 29 May 2009

New Group Gift

Ke recently made a Multi-tool HUD. It incorporates a radar (handy for knowing who is around), a scanner ( yay - hunting!) and a flight thingy (who needs pixie dust? :) ) all in 1 compact little HUD. I love it!

It's pretty cool cos you can also make it transparent by degrees so it doesn't impair the screen view - important when off hunting ;) Very handily for me it also includes a TP function so I can go straight to the store without opening my picks or finding the LM in my inv - and now, so can you!

If you didn't get it as a group gift, don't despair - we will be resending it again soon for all of those who get their notices capped - which happens to all of us sometimes - but if you can't wait that long, or if you like it as much as I do and want your friends to get it too, then it's also in our dollerbie wall vendor instore ... see ya there!

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